Cowboy's Sweetheart Jewelry

Shooting From The Hip

Update on Nolee:

“Nolee began 6th grade at the end of August and she is seemingly adjusting very well albeit learning to write left-handed and utilizing only her left hand. Socially, Nolee has a wonderful group of friends who continually support her and encourage her to do everything even though it may seem daunting. Nolee has had a fairly strong opinion regarding getting a prosthetic – she has not wanted one! We are trying to encourage her to get a prosthetic to assist with balance, etc… and she is more open to the idea. Nolee is such an incredible child, full of grace and wisdom beyond her years. As tragic as Nolee’s accident was for our family, we are truly blessed she is with us today! We are indebted to many who have so generously helped our girl. Thank you, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts!”

You may find my seeming lack of cohesion upsetting, but I’m just going to go on over here discuss Ted Turner and prairie dogs now. It may SEEM unrelated, but we’re discussing worthy causes and charitable donations, right?  Because I love and am inspired by the beauty of the western landscape and all of its wild inhabitants, Cowboy’s Sweetheart has contributed jewelry to The Prairie Dog Coalition’s annual gala and silent auction. It is an event scheduled for Friday October 28 that raises awareness about the ecological importance of this keystone species to the Great Plains. A small gesture on my part, but others, particularly Ted Turner, have given generously. He will be presented the Prairie Dog Protector of The Year Award for restoring over 11,000 acres of prairie dog habitat and protecting 150,000 prairie dogs on his ranches throughout the American west. He is returning over-grazed ranchland to thriving habitat for native Great Plains wildlife.  For information on the gala or sponsorship, see here.

On November 5th, Cowboy’s Sweetheart will be at the Jewelry and Holiday Gift Fair in Highlands Ranch. This show features jewelry, accessories, and holiday gifts from the area’s handcrafters and commercial retailers. Honestly, you simply will not be able to leave there without a stunning piece of jewelry. I will have a multitude of gift-giving solutions to choose from… a little something to treat yourself or someone special.

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