Cowboy's Sweetheart Jewelry

My New Website Goes Jingle Jangle Jingle

Well, I sincerely hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Day.  I certainly did.  It was a full but relaxing day, with so much to be thankful for. Cowboy’s Sweetheart is especially thankful for being spared from the flames of The Four Mile Canyon Fire in September, for this small business’s steady growth during a fiscally-challenged economy, for being recognized as having business acumen (I don’t even know what that MEANS!) by winning Halstead Bead’s Small Business Development Grant, and for all of you lovely people who, with your continued interest and support, allow me to do what I love. Yay for you!!!  I did miss one thing, though, this Thanksgiving. I missed being smooshed, face-first, into a chocolate fountain this year.  I guess this is just what happens when you get older.  But, let me tell you, it is the best.  The trick is to act like you don’t want it to happen.  For example, you might casually say to the guests, “Wow, it would really suck if you guys picked me up and smooshed me face-first into that chocolate fountain over there”…. Or, “I hope you don’t over-cook the turkey.  But you know what I really hope you don’t do? I hope you don’t smoosh my face into that chocolate fountain”… etc… You get the idea.

Anyway, speaking of my face, it turns out I got a new one!  I am not even lying! The Cowboy’s Sweetheart website has gotten a facelift and you can check it out HERE! Some of the newly revamped features include a gallery (with ever-changing photographic examples of my work) and a store (for the shopping).  I hope you like the new look, visit often (because store items will change frequently), and please tell your friends! It would not exist without the help of the lovely and talented Karelle Scharff of Best Mac Solutions.

…Aaaaaand, speaking of solutions, I will go off on another tangent here.  It is that time of year again, people, where many of us are required to shop for others. Which is why I’d like to mention the Local & Lovin’ It Fest happening on Saturday December 4th from 10-4 at the Boulder Outlook Hotel.  It is the perfect solution to the dilemma of what to buy and where to buy it. The event is an attempt to encourage folks to purchase their holiday gifts from local artists, recycling the money into our local community.  You can pick up a unique, creative gift for someone else AND… maybe a little something for yourself.  It’s a veritable local stimulus package! All in one spot! But most importantly, Cowboy’s Sweetheart will be there with lots of new jewelry, so please swagger on over and say hello.

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